Bankers Advertising Articles

Make your Workspace Bloom!

October 5, 2023

Who doesn’t love an almost impossible-to-kill desk plant? Plant promos are trending in the industry! 70% of millennials call themselves plant parents and 66% of Americans have at least one house plant.

But there is a WHY to desk plants.
Numerous studies have shown that including living plants in office spaces can have multiple positive health effects, from calming the eyes to reducing blood pressure. In a “green” office, generating ideas and creatively solving problems is easier. Here are some stats:

• 37% reduction in anxiety                                     • 58% reduction in reported depression

• Reduced chronic fatigue by nearly 40%              • 44% reduction in office hostility

Consider How Desk Plants Can Help you GROW Your Business.
Let’s face it, the average office atmosphere is stale and doesn’t inspire people to reach their potential. In addition, most commercial buildings contain harmful airborne toxins, known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), that can seriously negatively impact long-term health. Based on a groundbreaking study conducted by NASA, it was found that plants can filter out large amounts of VOCs within interior spaces. In fact, indoor plants remove up to 87% of airborne toxins in just 24 hours. Studies have also proven 15 minutes of interaction with plants/day reduces stress and enhance productivity.

We have a wide variety of options available. Ask your Bankers Promotional Consultant! We also partner with these tow Give Back organizations.

Moderne Sprout®
Modern Sprout’s mission is to uncomplicate indoor gardening. They use hydroponics redesigned to create beautiful, space‐savvy products. Modern Sprout® is on a mission to help reforest the future – for every kit purchased, a donation is made to plant a tree. Tending to plants is also tending to the self.



One Tree Planted
One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees, offer businesses like ours a simple sustainability solution, and motivate younger generations to do something positive for the environment.

For our sales manager’s birthday last year, our team was surprised with the #5652 Wooden Wheel Barrow Blossom Kit. It was such a cute interactive promo that had the office talking in the following weeks and comparing how their plants were growing.

Contact your Bankers Promotional Consultant for more ideas!

Uncategorized — Molly Beavers @ 4:26 pm

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